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Voiset vs. Traditional task managers

Today, traditional task management applications are being replaced by new ones based on AI. Of course, we are talking about Voiset, which has something special to offer its users. Let's tell you what it is in this article.

October 15, 2024

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auto planning
ai tools
Workflow organisation for ADHD

Comparison of task management applications

Take a traditional application and AI-powered Voiset and consider two critical differences.

Task scheduling

Traditional Task Manager

In a traditional task manager, you can look at your schedule and manually add a new task for the day that you feel is appropriate.

The cons: in this case, you're performing an organizational function that takes up your resources. Let's take a simple task like going to the dentist. You prioritize it, but you don't see a way to get to the dentist until next Thursday: every day is busy. But then you know that you have an appointment on Thursday, and you have to go through the day by day again, assessing your workload and thinking about what you could cancel or reschedule. And then, already tired, suddenly you find that tomorrow you have almost a free day, and put a visit to the dentist on this day. Sound familiar?


Voiset has the option to add new tasks yourself for the day you want. However, there is a really special option! It's the ability to entrust task scheduling to AI. How does it work? You prioritize a task, let's say it's about the same dental visit, and the priority is high.

💥 The AI will analyze your workload for the next few days, prioritize the tasks, and suggest the best day to complete the task.


Traditional Task Manager

To take full advantage of the traditional task manager, you need to train yourself to create new tasks immediately. If you have a great idea, you need to schedule its realization. If you don't, you are very likely to forget about it. Or you will spend too much effort to keep it in your head. So if an idea comes to mind on the treadmill, you need to stop, write it down, and add it to your task list. Of course, you get used to it, but can't you make things simpler?


In Voiset, you interact with AI also through voice input. To create a note, all you have to do is dictate it to the AI. What will AI do next? It will recognize your speech, translate it into text, and create a note. It will then prompt you to create a task from that note and can even add it to your calendar for a suitable day. Whether you're driving on the freeway or out for a run, you don't have to take your mind off your main business. You can dictate a note so you don't have to keep the task in your head. It's convenient and keeps you from having to stop to set tasks.

AI vs. traditional productivity tools

1. Maintain a work-life balance with AI

While a regular task manager is a structured notebook in an electronic format, AI offers tremendous opportunities to whoever uses it. One of those opportunities is creating a work-life balance.
Whereas with a traditional task manager, work tasks tend to be prioritized over personal tasks, for AI, they will be as important as you set them. That is, AI will consider your two prioritized tasks as equally important - both jogging and turning in a report. And it will help you not to cancel personal tasks because of work deadlines and vice versa.

2. Don't overload yourself with tasks

A regular task manager gives you an idea of how much work you have to do. But human beings are so organized that seeing a dozen things to do today and one tomorrow, they are quite ready to put in a lot of work on one day in order to rest on the next. However, this approach is fraught with mental burnout, and it is not worth practicing it regularly.

Voiset works differently: AI will control your workload for each day. But human beings are so organized that seeing a dozen things to do today and one tomorrow, they are quite ready to put in a lot of work on one day to rest on the next. Almost any schedule can be organized so that the number of tasks for each day is more or less the same, and you don't burn out in the race to your goals. If you trust AI to build your schedule, you're bound to be pleasantly surprised.

Logical AI, designed to keep you safe, can see things that you must have been missing from your attention! As a result, you will get a schedule, leisurely following which you can get closer to realizing your dreams day by day.

Often it seems to us that all of life is some kind of spurt that we have to make, otherwise, success is out of the question. However, by driving ourselves, we will stop. AI will take care of you and design your schedule so that you always have energy left at the end of the day.

3. Don't waste your time making a schedule

“Putting scheduling on the schedule” is a common task for those who use a traditional task manager. However, anyone can at some point in time get tired of planning their life, getting everything done. And even if you sat down on a Sunday night and made the perfect schedule for the week, life can throw up its surprises. You may wake up with a fever - and spend that week in bed.

There are so many uncertainties in life! And accounting for all of it can only be done by ... AI. It won't get upset if something in your life doesn't go according to plan, but will simply reassign tasks with the serenity of a robot. It will make a perfect schedule, which is a pleasure to follow. And you will see that even if you put things off for a week, there is nothing catastrophic.

Three reasons to switch to AI tools:

1. Voiset has everything that traditional task managers have, only - more of it

You have nothing to lose by trying Voiset: you can manage your workflows in well-designed workspaces. You can select people for different tasks, get detailed statistical information, call Zoom or Google Meet directly from the task, and so on. But at the same time, you get something that traditional schedulers don't have - you get the help of AI.

2. It's a forward-looking choice

We all know that the future is AI, which will be used in many different areas. By choosing AI-powered Voiset instead of the aging Voiset task manager, you are showing that you are keeping up with the times. You are “tasting the future” among the first.

3. It's an inexpensive solution

Voiset has a free trial version to help you evaluate all the features of this smart task manager. Further use is also quite affordable: both for the whole team and for you personally.

The world is evolving, and new technologies and applications are emerging. Voiset is an example of an app of the future. You can try it among the first today and see how AI can help you organize your life!