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Task management when starting your own business

The initial difficulties faced by businesses are about the same for everyone. However, there are certain ways to reduce them by utilizing task management techniques and task managers. Let's take Voiset as an example of how the latter can help.

September 30, 2024

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How to manage tasks when starting a small business

Not every small business owner can set up internal business processes right away. Sometimes you must step on the same rake several times to make certain conclusions. However, experience is one of the most valuable rewards and your future advantages.

Capture every task

If you haven't marked anywhere that a new task has arrived, you can forget about it. For example, the need to call back a potential client or the need to pay your taxes in a week. The more tasks you record and add to your schedule, the more organized your day is.

Clearly define who is responsible for tasks

Each person in charge must understand that it is up to him or her to realize a certain task. If this understanding is not present, confusion can arise. We described how to correctly assign responsibility using the RACI matrix here.

Prioritize incoming tasks

Among the entire array of necessary tasks, find those that are “on fire” and perform them first. At the same time, try not to bring things to a state of critical urgency. If it is possible to accomplish an important task in advance, do it.

Overcoming the challenges of the first year: reducing stress through task management

Success is made up of many steps

Rarely, everything goes quickly and easily at once. Usually, the road to success is not easy, there will be falls, rough terrain, and uphill climbs. It's only in social media success stories that all problems are miraculously solved. While your story is not yet written, the road will not be easy, which is quite normal.

Your main goal in the first year is to put in the daily effort to move towards your goal. Realizing that despite all the difficulties you are moving, forward to your goal - reduces stress levels. The latter arises and builds up when we start to feel that our efforts are not enough. Having a concrete scheme of movement and tasks that you successfully fulfill will allow you not to give up even in difficult situations and reach your goal!

Delegate as many tasks as possible

Task management doesn't mean that you are looking for the 25th hour in your schedule so that you can get a little more done. Managing means distributing tasks competently among all team members. That's why managing a new business involves the owner's efforts to find new customers in the first place. It's better to hire individuals to deliver goods, manage social media, and other duties.

💥 And it's also important to realize that no one is more interested than you in making your business thrive.

Balance between customer relations and task management

Task management when starting a new business involves building relationships with both employees and clients. Employees need to understand their area of responsibility, and clients need to get the results they've been waiting for. But how does a small business owner find a balance between controlling the fulfillment of current tasks and finding new clients?

Use task managers!

So, in Voiset you can create tasks and select who is responsible for their execution. And you can also send the customer a link to the created workspace. In this way, you can always be aware of which tasks are in progress and which ones have been completed. If there are delays or deficiencies, you can intervene in the workflow. If everything is going fine without your involvement, you can stay on top of each task and monitor progress, for example, in weekly meetings with the team. What to do with the freed-up time? Use it to scale your business, of course!

Using digital task management tools to grow your business

The growth of a small business today depends directly on whether the company can set up internal processes. Whereas it used to take years, today a small business owner can organize all internal processes in months or even weeks. Voiset, which is based on AI, can help them do this.

7 reasons to use Voiset to grow your business:

AI Task manager

1. It's a smart task manager. Create tasks, select executors and track progress;

2. Use a handy calendar. In Voiset, you can see each day's workload in a handy table format. Thanks to color indexers, you'll be able to see in a second which day has the lowest workload, so you can schedule a new appointment for that day. You can also drag and drop to rearrange tasks between days. Your entire life, both personal and work, will be organized in a clear table;

3. Add new tasks by voice input. This is one of the most convenient options! You don't have to stop to type a new task: dictate a note to Voiset on the go and it will translate it into text format and suggest adding it to your schedule;

4. AI will assist you in distributing the workload. If you are in doubt about the best day to schedule a meeting, you can trust AI to choose the date. It will analyze your schedule and suggest the best date, taking into account the priority of the task and your workload!

5. You will receive reminders for each of your tasks. With Voiset, you'll never forget anything important again: you can transfer all the notes you dictate into tasks. When it's time to do them, Voiset will send you a reminder. And this option can be used by all your team members!

6. You'll be able to maintain a work-life balance. In the first year of starting a business, many owners forget that they need to have time for their personal life as well. With Voiset, you can make time for everything!

7. Each task has its own priority. You can see how many tasks are critical and whether they are important today, how many are average, and how many are not so important. With Voiset, you can be productive every day and take a step forward towards realizing your dreams!

Voiset is the assistant who can organize all the chaos of the first year of business into a logical and simple structure. With Voiset, you can avoid unnecessary distractions and do the things that are important for your business development. This smart assistant will remind you of every task and help you keep things on track. Try Voiset and see how it can help you manage your tasks to keep your business moving forward!