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Mastering the Chaos of a Busy Day

At some point it begins to seem that the whole life consists of only unresolved tasks. If you have experienced this feeling at some point in your life, then this article will be useful to you. It's about how to improve your efficiency with Voiset digital assistant.

October 1, 2024

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Workflow organisation for ADHD

How to cope with mental tiredness: methods of prioritization

How many current tasks are on your mind? If only in the morning you remembered that you need to buy washer fluid, order new dishwasher tablets, call your grandmother, and dozens of other things - the situation is not good. Unless, of course, all these things you have written down. However, the latter rarely happens, more often we think that it is not a problem: we will remember and do.

The result of this approach is deplorable: we keep in our minds a load of dozens of similar small tasks, trying not to forget anything. And so on until we forget about them or they become critically important.

1. Make a habit of writing down all tasks

It is the habit of writing down every to-do that is the first step to proper planning. Task management starts with understanding exactly what tasks you have.

2. Prioritize each of the tasks

Use the Eisenhower method, which involves asking two questions: “Is this important?” and ‘Is this urgent?’. Important and urgent things are prioritized. Next, come the important and non-urgent things - these are best taken care of before they become urgent. The unimportant things should be looked at more closely and considered, as well as whether they need to be done.

3. High priority should not only be given to work tasks

For example, buying a perfectly fitting suit can be just as important as meeting a client. Your life is made up of many aspects, and to succeed you need to find a balance between all of them and not ignore any of them. You are making the wrong decision by skipping a dental visit because of recycling in the long run. Your health is no less important than praise from your supervisor.

The hidden secrets of managing multiple tasks

In today's world, it is very rare to accomplish one task at a time. As a rule, each of us has several tasks at work, and small business managers may have dozens of them. How do you keep track of everything?

Keep all processes in one place

If you have correspondence with clients in one place, calls with colleagues in another, and work areas in a third, you are bound to get confused and forget things. The secret to managing multiple tasks is to keep control of them in one place. Use Voiset to create a comfortable environment to monitor and control any of your tasks. Voiset is integrated with Zoom and Google Meet, so even work calls can be conducted from the comfort of this task manager.

Delegate tasks

The secret to being a good manager is to assemble a great team that is up to the task. If such a team is assembled, the probability of success increases significantly. The ability to delegate responsibilities is the most important skill of a leader. A manager is someone who knows how to manage processes rather than personally perform all tasks.

Determine who is responsible

Each team member must understand their area of responsibility. In the RACI matrix there are four groups involved in the work process. These are the project manager, the direct implementer, the stakeholders who need to be kept informed of progress, and the consultants.

Get some rest

Your resources are as limited as any human being's. It is important not only to take time off during personal time but also not to be afraid to go on vacation. By taking breaks from your professional duties, you lose nothing, but only gain. You recover mentally, recharge yourself with new emotions, and in the future you will be able to cope with your work duties even more effectively.

Do more with less: minimalist approaches to task management

One of the secrets of success is the ability to keep things simple. In most cases, the simplest decisions and choices are the right ones.

Always ask the question, “could things be simpler?”

If so, do it. The more processes you create, the more attention they require. It's like maintaining a huge mansion with thousands of furnishings - taking care of them will require the constant attention of many dozens of people. If your client wanted a home with a minimalist design - offer them that, not a mansion.

Don't do what you don't need to do

This is such an obvious rule that we forget about it. If your client wanted a banner with his company name on a black background - do exactly as he asked. It is far from a fact that he will appreciate the creativity with additional colors, glitter, pictures and a redesigned company logo in the fusion style.

Strictly follow your important to-do list

When you create your schedule in Voiset, you can view your calendar for months ahead. And see how many things you have to do on each day. By simply following your schedule and doing things in order, you'll be moving forward at a steady pace. Even if you feel like two important to-do's for the day are too few and you anxiously want to accomplish seven more, slow down. You don't have to always go at top speed; sometimes that can lead to accidents, unnecessary stress, and unhappy people around you.

Break tasks into subtasks

Everyone talks about it, but we rarely use it! Find a middle ground - one in which goals don't seem like an endless stream of small tasks or, on the contrary, an insurmountable Everest.

Use technology: increase productivity with digital tools

AI mobile app task

Implementing digital tools seems quite complicated at first glance. How do you explain to the whole team that interaction will now be primarily through a task manager? And while this solution is commonplace in IT, it is still not commonplace in other industries. But digital tools like Voiset can leap forward in any industry.

1. Voiset mitigates internal conflicts in the team

One of the common causes of conflicts in a team is the feeling that one employee does more or less than the others, as well as a lack of understanding of personal responsibility. By distributing tasks evenly and competently among all employees, you as a skillful manager can reduce the level of tension in the team.

2. Voiset helps you achieve your goals in an orderly manner

Each employee sees the priority of the specific task he or she is involved in. He can more easily navigate through the daily chaos to make the right decision about the correctness of his actions. For example, if a tattoo parlor administrator has an urgent and prioritized task “write a post to the group” for today - he is more likely to complete it, even if there are distractions. For example, one of the bored customers will want to chat with him for a couple of hours. By using Voiset, you are letting your employees know exactly what kind of behavior you expect from them!

3. Voiset takes the chaos out of an organization's everyday life

In a very rare organization, most of the incoming tasks are urgent and important. An example of such an organization is clinics of various profiles. And even in these organizations, it is possible to organize several daily tasks. Voiset can help you with this. By creating a list of recurring activities and assigning responsibility for each task, you can reduce stress within your company and streamline internal processes.

💥 The art of task management can be mastered incredibly quickly - all you need to do is install Voiset.

It will help you find the simplest and best solutions, eliminate chaos within your team and achieve your goals. Try Voiset and start a new phase of your company's life!