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Managing your hobbies just got easier

In this article, we'll talk about creating a schedule with an optimal work-life balance. And how Voiset can help you achieve that balance.

August 27, 2024

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Workflow organisation for ADHD

An ideal daily schedule includes not only critical professional tasks, but also those personal activities that make you happier. If you feel like your schedule lacks space and time for hobbies, it's probably not true.

The importance of tracking and systematizing your hobbies

What tasks are prioritized for you today? Most likely, you will name not only work tasks, but also personal tasks, including hobbies.

However, it costs us nothing to cancel our evening workout or stay up late on social media, realizing that we won't get enough sleep and our morning run will likely be in doubt. Why do these situations arise?

Because it is necessary to organize not only work moments, but also hobbies, otherwise we begin to think that the latter are not so important. The result - we get tired at work faster, burn out more easily, our mood is worse, productivity drops, etc. Having personal interests is important not only for personal growth, but also for professional growth, which is why work-life balance is so important!  

Want to learn more about how other factors, like ADHD, can influence productivity? Read our article How ADHD Affects Workflow.

Your hobbies: how to customize and manage them in Voiset?

We discussed optimizing your schedule in Voiset in this article. Now let's take a closer look at how to add a hobby to your schedule and how much time you can allocate for it in your schedule.

How do I customize my Voiset schedule with hobbies in mind?

1. Write out all the hobbies you would like to pursue.

You can make a whole list of things that are so hard to find time for, but that will make you happier. For example, feed the ducks in the park every day at sunset, read all the books by your favorite writer, paint landscapes in oil, etc.

2. Determine among them those that you consider the most important for you.

You may find each hobby on the list critically important, or, on the contrary, after rereading, you will eliminate most of them. Perhaps part of the list will be impossible to accomplish today - due to weather, health and other factors. In this case, do not cross out such activities, but save the list so that you can return to it in time.

3. Determine how much time per day you can dedicate to your hobbies

If you've already organized your schedule in Voiset, you've probably seen how much free time you have left in each day. Now identify those hobbies that can fit into your schedule and still be a priority for you. So, if you're willing to give your personal hobbies three days a week, you can devote two evenings to cooking, fitness or painting, and one to dancing. And if you have 20 minutes to spare before bed, why not dedicate them to your blog? These activities are just an example, you have a whole list of things you want to do!

Allow Voiset to prioritize and schedule all your hobbies according to your priorities and workload. Of course, you don't always need this option: for example, if you work out with a trainer on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you can't be flexible. But if you can't decide which day of the week is the best day to go cycling, Voiset will tell you.

4. Keep some flexibility

Managing a hobby is just as important a part of life as managing your work hours. If you want to run exclusively in sunny weather and it's raining heavily outside - why not do yoga at home today? Or watch an episode of that très-crème series on your list of hobbies? Voiset is the ultimate flexible planner that will find time in your schedule for anything important to you. And it easily adjusts to your varied needs, aren't they?

💥 As you change, so does your schedule, and Voiset will be an assistant for any of you.

5. Be consistent

When making your schedule for the week, add not only work tasks but also your hobbies. Both are important.

How can you combine your hobby time with other responsibilities with Voiset?

One of the critical points in time management is balancing work and personal hobbies. Many of us have a bias in one direction or the other. And Voiset will be an indispensable assistant in this respect. Why?

Voiset considers the priority of tasks and the number of them

Voiset does not evaluate how useful a hobby is to your career. Even if you think it is minimal, Voiset will help you choose yourself and your hobbies every day.

All those annual fitness passes that we buy in a health-conscious impulse are lying around and gathering dust largely because we prioritize work. We are not always as lazy as we think we are, often it is the lack of time management and prioritization that is to blame. Voiset can help you with time management, prioritization and time balance. It will send you a timely reminder about your workout, recognizing that it is just as important as your work, because you have prioritized it.

Voiset can hear you even on the treadmill

One way to find inspiration is to switch from professional tasks to hobbies. When we do what we love to do, we relax and can look at a problem in a different way. That's why it's not always only during working hours that we get insights about work. Voiset makes it easy to remember your brilliant idea: Dictate it, and the scheduler will remind you of it later and offer to add it to your schedule.

How to maximize personal time with effective hobby management strategies?

Calendar and timetable

1. Use time management not only for work stuff but also for hobbies.

A visit to a fitness center can take either one and a half hours or three. If after each workout you visit swimming pools and saunas instead of the usual shower, the time of exercise immediately doubles. Similarly with any hobby: you can paint in nature for an hour, and you can - even all day. You can practice music not for an hour every day, but for three.

A visit to a fitness center can take either one and a half hours or three. If after each workout you visit swimming pools and saunas instead of the usual shower, the time of exercise immediately doubles. Similarly with any hobby: you can paint in nature for an hour, and you can - even all day. You can practice music not for an hour every day, but for three.

💥 It is important to think about exactly how you can reduce your time for hobbies without hurting your progress.

For example, hiring a private tutor to come to your home means you can save time traveling to a learning center. You can choose an art studio five minutes from your home, or you can choose one half an hour away. You can also order a grocery list delivery once a week instead of spending time driving to the supermarket and picking out groceries.

2. Prioritize tasks

When you put a task on your to-do list, Voiset will prompt you to prioritize it. By prioritizing your hobby, you show yourself that it is really important to you. There are spontaneous things to do in every day, but if you have a priority thing to do at 6pm (like running), then the other tasks can wait. And if they are of some importance - dictate them to Voiset, he will save them and suggest adding them to your task list afterwards.

Tips on how to organize your hobbies and make them enjoyable

Maximizing your free time is something we all strive for. So here are a few time management strategies to make hobbies as enjoyable as possible.

AI notes

1. Plan your hobbies in advance

When we know we're going skiing on Saturday, we look forward to that pleasant event from Monday. If there's a cooking class in a month, we'll start anticipating it as soon as we sign up. When we plan a hobby in advance, we allow ourselves to enjoy the activity before we even take it. A dopamine surge happens every time we remember that we have an enjoyable experience ahead of us! So add even those events to your Voiset schedule that don't seem to be coming soon!

2. If a hobby has become a burden rather than a reward, pause for a moment

Sometimes even a small pause allows you to miss your favorite activity. If workdays tend to be a constant in our lives, then your personal time is worth spending on things that make you happier. If your favorite activity doesn't inspire you as much as it used to, try adding variety to your life. So, if your hobby is reading, try switching to writing, if you do yoga exclusively, go to Pilates, etc.

Voiset will help you make every day perfectly balanced. It tells you when to finish your workday and do what you love. It reminds you of all your priorities and organizes your schedule correctly, knowing that getting your report in on time and your guitar lesson are both important to your progress. And agree, we all need a reminder sometimes that there is more to life than just work tasks!