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How to optimize your schedule with automatic scheduling

This article will help all those who feel that they are wasting time, spending it unproductively, and feeling stressed because of it. We will tell you about the latest approach to time management: how AI can help you organize your life, form important habits, find work-life balance and achieve your goals.

September 10, 2024

time management
auto planning
ai tools
Workflow organisation for ADHD

What is automatic scheduling?

Have you ever tried to make your schedule and follow it? If so, you know that it is not as easy as it may seem at first glance.

AI planning

Difficulties in making and following a schedule:

The spontaneity of life. It is impossible to predict all the events that will happen to us. We can plan a productive work week, make ten appointments during it, and wake up on Monday morning with a high fever. All plans need to be revised, meetings canceled, etc.;

We tend to avoid the unpleasant and strive for the pleasant. Not all to-do's want to be put on the schedule. We are not so keen to find time to pay a fine, far from it we are happy to do tax returns (link to article on taxes for the self-employed), parent-teacher meetings, visits to the dentist, etc. As a result, unpleasant but important things we often put off until later. And this “later” may come very soon - when there will be no more options to postpone further. The result of this approach is a feeling of dissatisfaction with ourselves;

Adjusting the schedule is difficult. For example, there is a task that requires your utmost attention today: one of your relatives got sick, your car broke down, a dream girl called you for a walk, etc. Everyone has his or her example of such cases. But to build them into your schedule today can be extremely difficult, almost impossible. It is worth doing this case - and it is not clear what to do with the rest.....

When you allow AI to do the automatic scheduling of your life, you solve these problems all at once. Automatic scheduling allows AI to create a schedule for you.

💥 It takes a huge burden off your shoulders: if your organization and time management skills need improvement, AI will take over.

How automatic scheduling with AI works

AI assesses your workload on any given day;

AI chooses the right day to complete each task, prioritizing it;

AI gives you flexibility: if you need to change your schedule and reschedule one of today's tasks to another day, AI will suggest the best day to reschedule.

You have to admit, it's very convenient! You have room for spontaneity in your life, but you follow a schedule! For Voiset, the important thing is to prioritize a particular task for you and it does not evaluate it in terms of pleasantness/unpleasantness. It will simply put it on a specific day that is ideal for completion. This way you can complete on time or even in advance all those tasks that you used to put off for personal reasons.

Key features of automatic scheduling

automatic scheduling

Voiset gives you the opportunity to prioritize

You will be able to prioritize each of the tasks you add to your schedule. This task scheduling tool will help you understand which tasks you consider necessary and important, and which ones are not important to you. You will be able to weed out some of these tasks, leaving only those tasks in your life that don't create “daily noise”. Such tasks can include scrolling through your social media feed, meaningless but distracting emails, etc.

Voiset organizes your life

You will see a simple and easy-to-understand plan for each of your days. It doesn't matter if it's a day off or a work day. You can use Voiset for both your personal life and your work tasks. Intelligent planning functions help you organize all areas of your life and find work-life balance.

Voiset helps you find your optimal driving speed

AI will slow you down if you've accelerated too much and burnout looms ahead. It will help you take important first steps if you are just starting down the path to your goal. This planner is a best friend, a helper who will treat you and your time with the utmost care.
We all need someone around us sometimes to say: “Hey, what are you doing so fast, take a rest!” or ‘Let's do some things today that will make you feel better!’. That kind of friend will be on your phone.

Voiset will hear you and understand

You can talk to it, it will recognize your speech and record it. So you will have a note that you can add to your to-do list. The AI will find the best time in your schedule for that task and suggest it to you.

Benefits of using AI to optimize schedules

AI planning

You will be able to make time for everything that is important to you

It's important for you not to miss the Super Bowl finals - great, Voiset will make time for it!
You have a business trip to Italy planned - great, Voiset will put it on your schedule!
Voiset is a task scheduling tool that will even out all the kinks in your life. It will make the movement towards your goal smooth but fast!

You will be able to increase your productivity

No more pausing because there are no resources left. Flexibility and conscious planning will allow you to manage your time so that you can live your ideal life - one in which everything has a place! If you realize that you could use your time more productively, but you lack organization skills - Voiset will be a real find for you.

You won't forget anything else!

We're overloaded with information. There is so much to memorize. Keeping things in your head is a losing strategy. It is necessary to delegate some of the functions. You need some kind of assistant to remind you that today is three important calls, next week is tax day, and tomorrow is your partner's birthday. Voiset will remind you of all the things you deem worthy of your time and attention. You'll be able to lean on it to guide you through your life.

Advances in technology allow us to use the latest advances to organize our lives. Voiset is a unique product on the market that adapts AI to your life.

💥 The point is that the difference between a desire and a goal is the presence of specific deadlines for realization.