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How to avoid the time trap

Do you ever feel as if your time has been stolen from you? There was so much of it, and then suddenly there is no time left, and what to do now is unclear. What to do so that you no longer fall into the trap of time, we will tell you in this article.

October 7, 2024

time management
auto planning
ai tools
Workflow organisation for ADHD

How to get rid of the feeling of lack of time

lack of time

1. Eliminate distractions

Imagine that the internet suddenly ran out, the electricity was cut off and even the telephone is now unavailable. What would you do? Many people answer that they would read something, do some extra work, or take up a hobby. And also would do all the things you can't get to all the time.

In moments of silence, and digital detox, the mind calms down, and thoughts line up understandably. A sense of prioritization emerges, important activities, tasks, and goals come to mind! It is the feeling of boredom that pushes us to organize our lives and get on with the most important things. While this boredom is gone, there is a new season of the Netflix series, we will be trapped in time again and again.

2. Do not strive for the perfect result

A typical situation for a student (link to an article about students) with the “excellent student syndrome”: is not to start writing a term paper, expecting a special inspiration. In the end, write it in a couple of nights and still get not the highest grade, but in agony. Then the former student gets a job, but time after time falls into the same time trap, finishing the project only in the last hours before the deadline.

Far from always, everything needs to be done in an exemplary manner, sometimes just getting it done is enough. It's important to reduce the demands on yourself, then less often things will be postponed because you are in a bad or inappropriate mood today.

3. Plan your schedule

As long as the time to complete a task is an abstract “later”, it will not be completed. There can only be two options to accomplish a task: now or a specific date, and it's better to have both. Life without a schedule is good if you don't set any goals for yourself. If your life is a road to success, then it is the schedule that will be the new asphalt for this road.

4. Make your task list more flexible

When it comes to scheduling, its detractors say that it robs life of spontaneity. Some say they have tried to follow a schedule, but their lives are too unpredictable to be systematized. If you feel the same way, it means that the schedule you have created has not taken your lifestyle into account at all.

5. The schedule should be customized to fit your life

Any person's life can be made more structured and organized by having a schedule. It is very important to take into account your personal needs, inclinations, and character, and not to try to copy other people's schedules. For example, you may not want to get up at the crack of dawn, no matter how many books you read about the benefits of waking up early. Evening jogging may not be a happy pastime for you, but an excruciating chore, etc.

When making a schedule answer one simple question, “How many hours a day are you willing to give to spontaneity?”. Some will say three hours is enough, while others will need a minimum of six. Great! Let those hours be unoccupied by anything, and you can spend them exactly how you want to spend them today. If you organize the rest of your time productively, you'll get closer to achieving your goals day by day without putting yourself in too tight of a bind.

6. Any schedule can be changed

This is very important to realize. Such simple priorities as your health and the health of your loved ones, family gatherings, friendly support, and the like are reasons to cancel any plans. It is important to go to your goal in life not despite your values, but supporting them. Therefore, if a situation arises, because of which some of the plans need to be canceled/transferred in favor of your values - do it without regret.

Canceling plans can also be caused by unpredictable events in your life. For example, traffic jams made you late for a meeting or you got sick and spent two weeks on sick leave. Life is unpredictable, but this is just another reason to create your schedule and follow it. With a schedule, you will find consistency in even the most unpredictable day.

💥 Your scheduling assistant must be as flexible as your plans. That's why a great option for a time manager is Voiset. It's powered by AI that will easily find time in your life for any task. And if you don't complete it on time for some reason, you can use the AI's help: it will move it to the next suitable day in your schedule.

Urgency vs. inefficiency: striking the right balance between tasks

The ratio of urgency to importance is one of the decisive factors when planning tasks. Often in our lives, tasks pop up that don't seem to take much time to complete. We immediately switch to them, trying to get everything done, but as a result we fall into one of the time traps.

Why is it important to guard your concentration?

Our attention span is not constant. And even if you don't have ADHD, it costs nothing to lose focus. So, you may have been working hard on a difficult task, immersed in it, but suddenly the phone rings. You pick up the phone, and after a meaningless conversation suddenly realize that you do not remember what your working idea was. And it is difficult to concentrate on your work again; it takes some time.

We all need different amounts of time to immerse ourselves in our work - five minutes is enough for some people, while others need an hour. That's why being distracted by any urgent matters is not always so positive for our productivity in general.

If an urgent task “flew” to you, ask one simple question: “Is it important?”. If the answer is “No,” then safely discard the task. Better yet, shield yourself from distractions when you are engaged in an important task.

Planning for the future: task management focused on long-term goals

Effective planning should lead to the achievement of goals, including long-term goals.

Three task management secrets for achieving long-term goals:

1. The more specific the goal, the easier it is to achieve.

There are general goals, like “I want to earn a lot” or “I want my business to scale”, which are not goals. A goal is something like the coordinates you enter into a GPS navigator. It's an extremely specific aspiration to which you can plot the shortest possible route. If the end point of travel is blurred, you can drive thousands of extra miles or arrive at the wrong place;

2. Any goal can be broken down into sub-goals.

You can outline a plan for moving toward any goal, even the most ambitious. If you can visualize exactly how the fulfillment of one goal after another will lead you to the desired result - great! By the way, if suddenly one of the sub-goals is not feasible, it means that you need to change it, not resign yourself to the unattainability of the final goal.

3. Using Voiset will help you stay on track on any given day

Achieving long-term goals requires daily attention. Tomorrow depends directly on how you did today. That's why Voiset becomes an indispensable assistant. It helps you to live each day in a way that brings you closer to your goal. AI will help you along the way, making sure your workload is even and smooth. You'll get reminders, you'll be able to create new tasks in a second, and AI will add them to your schedule.

With Voiset, your road to your long-term goal will be smoother and you can avoid all those common mistakes that cause people to get off track. Try Voiset and see how efficiently you can manage your time and how fast you can achieve your long-term goals!