How would you describe your student life? Is there a balance between study, social, and personal life? Do you feel that you perfectly use your time and it couldn't be better? Do you feel a lot of stress during the session or do you reduce it by studying regularly and pedantically? If, in answering these questions, you realized that you would like to improve some aspect of your life, then this article will be useful to you.
Problems in student life

There are a few basic problems that are most commonly encountered in a student's life:
1. Mismanagement of your time
There are 24 hours in a day, and so it is every day. If you devote part of this time to study, part to all other important activities, and balance your day perfectly, you can manage ... everything. However, we are not The Sims characters moving at the click of a mouse, but human beings with our own emotions and preferences.
As a result, it may well turn out that this semester's preferences included personal and social life, and not studying at all. Or instead of paying attention to all subjects, we selectively focused on just one due to individual preferences. Learning to use our time rationally and thoughtfully is the dream of many students.
2. Lack of schedule and daily routine
Many students do not understand the importance of schedules at all. To be more precise, they do, but closer to the session, when it turns out that they have to write a term paper in a week and do the assignment for the semester in their major subject. This causes huge stress, and we sincerely promise ourselves that next semester it will not happen again. We promise that we will not miss a single lecture again and start preparing for the session from the very first class. But a new semester comes, and everything repeats: we still haven't worked out a regime, and we haven't made a schedule, but procrastination “shines”.
3. No specific goals
We often confuse dreams and goals. If we say to ourselves something like, “I need to pass the next session with the highest grade possible,” the brain perceives these words as a goal. Because it has specific criteria: it has a deadline and a measure that defines success (the maximum score). When we tell ourselves that we want to study well, it is as insignificant for the brain as we should walk more, lose weight, etc. The inability to formulate specific goals is one of the reasons why talented students may perform worse than their peers.
4. Psychological burnout
It occurs when we take on too much, forgetting the balance in life. Some students, having decided that they can do everything and more, make study the most important goal of their life. If this disrupts the daily routine, ignores other interests, but the student continues to move forward on the fuel of enthusiasm, that enthusiasm will run out at some point in time. And then will come the feeling that I don't want and can't study anymore, I'm tired. Those subjects that were inspiring will become uninteresting. The feeling of emotional and mental exhaustion is the opposite side of achievement. That's why it's important to find a balance in everything and take care of yourself, don't let yourself take on too much.
For a deeper dive into managing time efficiently and steering clear of common traps, read our article How to avoid the time trap.
Strategies to improve student life

Strategy 1: Use AI tools for automatic scheduling
Making a student's schedule and planning their day is challenging for many reasons. For example, many students find it difficult to keep to a schedule because before they felt controlled by their parents or school. Now this control is gone, you have to make a willful effort to keep up with everything and force yourself to stick to the schedule.
Now imagine that the AI in Voiset takes over your life. It helps you distribute your workload for each day, creates your schedule, and sends you reminders for each task. In a way, it's like playing The Sims, where you step into your character's shoes. By following the schedule and the reminders you receive, you can easily achieve your goals without much willpower.
Strategy 2: Optimize the learning process with smart notes
During a student's day, the flow of incoming information is almost continuous. Task management becomes more difficult as the number of tasks increases. Often, however, we let information pass us by, thinking that we will remember it all. We think, “Yes, the sociology lecture is moved to the 17th, of course, I will remember that. But on the 17th, we wake up feeling that we have forgotten something, and we remember what it is much later.
To avoid the situation described above, use smart notes. If you have new information, write it down right away. And later Voiset will remind you about it and offer to add it to your calendar. Convenient, isn't it?
Strategy 3: Utilize task creation with speech recognition
What is the easiest way for you to communicate in messengers - text or voice? Most likely, this is the way you'll be writing your notes as well. If you're comfortable recording them by text - great, Voiset has that option! But if you'd rather dictate the task, AI can help you there too!
AI in Voiset will not just hear you and record your speech, it will translate it into text! By the way, Voiset's built-in AI recognizes speech in 33 languages.
Strategy 4: Prioritize with advanced task management features
What's more important to you today: spending the evening with friends or going to the library? AI will allocate time in your schedule for each of your activities, taking into account their importance to you. You prioritize each activity yourself, so you're less distracted by unnecessary and unimportant tasks. Voiset customizes your entire life to meet your goals.
Strategy 5: Balance curricular and extracurricular activities through effective planning
When you install Voiset, you will be able to upload a list of all your to-dos. Depending on the number of tasks during the day, Voiset will determine when each to-do should be done. You will no longer have an imbalance between days where, for example, you didn't work at all from Monday to Wednesday, and on Thursday you worked until late at night. Each of your days will be balanced, with time for sleeping, eating right, exercising - everything!
Voiset is impartial

That is, there are no distractions for it, such as the release of a new season of your favorite TV show or a spontaneous party. AI is the base that will help a student learn time management skills. From a date with a fellow student to attending lectures, there will be room in each of your days for the most important things. You customize Voiset by telling it what your priorities are, so it can help you stay on track!
When life is full of distractions, it is extremely difficult to resist them. Being a student teaches us that you can accomplish everything in life, but only if you use your time wisely.
Take the first step towards your new life of low stress, on-time delivery of all projects, and months of preparation for your session!
Try Voiset today. It's free and it's really what you need!